Thursday, July 18, 2013

Scenes of Summer :: Game Time - Let's Explore

Board and Card Games We Love | Let's Explore

{Note: This post contains affiliate links.}

Happy mid-July! We?re having a nice mix of busy and relaxing this summer. We?ve been organizing and rearranging rooms as we make room for our new addition this fall. We?ve also had pajama days, long afternoons piled on my bed reading, and a few more movie nights than usual.

Lots of hot afternoons this summer have meant hanging out inside, often playing a game or two together. Here are some snapshots of the games the girls are pulling off the shelf over and over again this summer:

Hedbanz :: There is always some serious giggling during this game! Even eavesdropping on the kids playing this is good for a laugh. Ha!

Game of Life card game

The Game of Life Adventures card game :: Just like the board game, you can buy houses, choose jobs, get married, have kids, and have various life adventures. The triplets card is highly coveted in our house!

Five Crowns card game

Five Crowns card game :: This game is fantastic! The whole family enjoys playing this game of sets and runs, with five suits instead of four. Highly recommend!

Kid-made board game

This game is my favorite of the summer so far ? a homemade board game the girls worked on together. So cute!

We?re also playing and loving:?Herd Your Horses,?Sleeping Queens,?Blokus, and Clue.

How about you? What are the favorite family games in your house right now?


metta kashi orange crush harden nor easter nor easter veep

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