Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Art of Timeshare Presentations that Sells Successfully : Travel ...

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The Art of Timeshare Presentations that Sells Successfully

If you are a timeshare owner and there comes a time in your business endeavor that you wanted to get rid of the timeshare you possess for a better resort or maybe to invest on other business interest in the future, the common question is that how can you get rid of your timeshare successfully? Do you have to hire a timeshare consultant or ask for assistance for a timeshare company that offers resale services?

The first thing to consider if you are a newbie in selling timeshares is to get help with a legitimate timeshare consultant that has been in this field for years or even decades. What most timeshare consultants does when selling timeshares such as the author of this article is to be in the shoes of a timeshare buyer and gather the first major questions that is in the mind of these buyers.

First and foremost, a buyer?s immediate action is to check for initial background information about your timeshare before attending your presentation. Currently, timeshares are extremely popular to take holiday vacations for personal or business purposes and there are at least more than 1.5 million families in Europe that owns a timeshare and eventually, the demand is great that there is a big chance to get rid of your timeshare with the help of proper timeshare consultants or companies that knows the trade of this business.

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If you are a timeshare owner and there comes a time in your business endeavor that you wanted to get rid of the timeshare you possess for a better resort or maybe to invest on other business interest in the future, the common question is that how can you get rid of your timeshare successfully? Do you have to hire a timeshare consultant or ask for assistance for a timeshare company that offers resale services?

The first thing to consider if you are a newbie in selling timeshares is to get help with a legitimate timeshare consultant that has been in this field for years or even decades. What most timeshare consultants does when selling timeshares such as the author of this article is to be in the shoes of a timeshare buyer and gather the first major questions that is in the mind of these buyers.

First and foremost, a buyer?s immediate action is to check for initial background information about your timeshare before attending your presentation. Currently, timeshares are extremely popular to take holiday vacations for personal or business purposes and there are at least more than 1.5 million families in Europe that owns a timeshare and eventually, the demand is great that there is a big chance to get rid of your timeshare with the help of proper timeshare consultants or companies that knows the trade of this business.

As of today, there are half a million timeshare resorts globally with different forms and presentations of selling timeshares that are made available to a buyer. These buyers will consider factors such as points of fractional ownership that meets their expectations or standards in owning one and they will try to understand how the various systems works in buying their own timeshare. Since the author has evidently worked in the timeshare business for decades knows how buyers think and what vital information that timeshare buyers may be asking during presentations.

As an advice, take time to browse our site for more information and guidance on how to sell a timeshare or coordinate to any of our customer care staff to be guided accordingly.

Eventually most buyers are given the option to be given the chance to experience a timeshare first-hand before they commit themselves to buying one. Coordination between a timeshare owner and a buyer is quite essential to the success of selling your timeshare successfully. At this stage, you can present the pros and cons (pointers that is not beneficial to you but will be beneficial for the buyer) of your timeshare with the buyer and believe me that at least 85% chance of making the deal done is done on this stage!

Though most developers don?t expect this type of coordination to be successful in a case to case basis but during presentations, it is encourage that small breaks are implemented to give an opportunity for the buyer and seller to mingle personally.

During the presentation, it is evident to inform a buyer that a timeshare seller conforms to a legal requirement to give a buyer a ?cooling off? period, once a timeshare has been successfully sold, at a minimum of 10 days or 14 days in the UK.

A successful timeshare presentation that sells is met if a buyer feels that your presentation has not given any pressure on the buyer?s part and that he/she has the opportunity to change his/her mind in conforming to the ?cooling off? period once the contract had been signed by both parties.

A good timeshare presentation is an ideal opportunity for you to provide all these important factors to a buyer and that he fully understands more on how to own his timeshare or the resort or resorts that you will be selling to the buyer, the costs involved and how the buyer can use an exchange system (optional or if ever this is available) to stay at similar resorts in the UK or even in any part of the world.

Lastly, during a presentation, it is also vital to inform the buyer that what you represent as a timeshare consultant (like the author) or your company is a registered member of the RDO and conforms to the code of conduct with this representative body of the timeshare industry and if ever a buyer experiences any difficulties with in his timeshare ownership, RDO offers a free of charge service to customers of its members.

Garry Peter Leigh has been a Timeshare Consultant for the past 18 years and has helped thousands of clients across Europe to get rid of their timeshare or exchange them with other Timeshares that his clients are interested in. Since he has the proper resources and expertise in the Timeshare industry, he has been a partner of an online timeshare consultation website:

Written by: Dan on September 15, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 12:22 am?
Filed under Timeshare ? Tagged with 5 Million, Background Information, Business Endeavor, Business Interest, Business Purposes, Endif, Gte, Holiday Vacations, Initial Background, Lt, Mso, Object Classid, Orphan, Presentations, Resale Services, Selling Timeshares, Sells, St1, Style Definitions, Successfully, Timeshare, Timeshare Company, Timeshare Owner, Timeshare Presentations


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