Friday, September 30, 2011

Rate on 30-year mortgage falls to record 4.01 pct. (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Fixed mortgage rates have fallen to historic new lows for a fourth straight week and are likely to fall further.

The average on a 30-year fixed mortgage fell to 4.01 percent from 4.09 percent this week, Freddie Mac said Thursday. That's the lowest rate since the mortgage buyer began keeping records in 1971. The last time long-term rates were lower was in 1951, when most long-term home loans lasted just 20 or 25 years.

The average on a 15-year fixed mortgage, a popular refinancing option, ticked down to 3.28 percent. Economists say that's the lowest rate ever for the loan.

Mortgage rates tend to track the yield on the 10-year Treasury note. The 10-year yield has risen this week to around 2 percent. A week ago, it touched 1.74 percent ? the lowest level since the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis started keeping daily records in 1962. As recently as July, the 10-year yield exceeded 3 percent.

Rates on mortgages could fall further after the Federal Reserve announced last week that it would take further action to try to lower long-term rates.

Still, low rates have so far done little to boost home sales or refinancing. Many would-be buyers or homeowners don't have enough cash or home equity to get a new loan.

High unemployment, scant wage gains and debt loads represent a heavy burden for many people. Others can't qualify. Banks are insisting on higher credit scores and 20 percent down payments for first-time buyers.

This year is shaping up to be among the worst for sales of previously occupied homes in 14 years. Few are buying, even though the average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage has fallen to around 4 percent.

A drop in mortgage rates could provide some help to the economy if more people could refinance. When people refinance at lower rates, they pay less interest on their loans and have more money to spend.

Consider a homeowner who owes $250,000 and is paying 5.09 percent on a 30-year fixed mortgage. That was the average rate being offered in January 2010. Refinancing the loan at 4.01 percent could save him or her roughly $2,000 a year.

But many homeowners with good jobs and stable finances have already refinanced over the past year as rates have fallen. The average rate on the 30-year loan fell to new lows in November, August and again this month.

Homeowners also typically pay a few thousand dollars in closing costs when they refinance. And the low rates being offered don't include extra fees, which many borrowers must pay to get the rates. Those fees are known as points; one point equals 1 percent of the loan amount.

The average fee for the 30-year held steady at 0.7; for the 15-year, it rose to 0.7. The average fee for both the five-year and one-year adjustable-rate loans was unchanged at 0.6 point.

To calculate average mortgage rates, Freddie Mac surveys lenders across the country Monday through Wednesday of each week.

The average rate on a five-year adjustable-rate mortgage was unchanged at 3.02 percent. The average for the one-year adjustable-rate mortgage ticked up to 2.83 percent.


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The Mystery Rust of Kivalina, Alaska

A scanning electron micrograph of an unidentified rust spore from Alaska. Note the gorgeous projections that look like they've been turned on a lathe.

Author?s note: This is the last of a series of four posts in Fungi Month here at TAA. Enjoy!

Last month a mysterious orange film (?goo? in the media vernacular of the time) washed up on the shores of a northwest Alaskan village called Kivalina. Experts suspected crustacean eggs; locals were unnerved. In retrospect, reports that the substance ?dried into a powder? should have been suspicious, as should reports that the orange stuff also appeared on the water in rain buckets. Either the crustaceans really got around, or all was not as it seemed.

An orange powder seems an odd product for the drying of crustacean eggs, but could make perfect sense for fungi ? specifically, the rust fungi. And indeed, that is what experts believe them now to be. And yet, for all the gumshoe work, they really still have no idea what they actually were ? or what produced such an explosion in a place that had not seen such an event in the memory of anyone living.

Rusts are all plant parasites, but unlike the smuts ? their close relatives, who I wrote about here earlier this month ? they don?t specialize in hijacking plant parts for their nefarious purposes; instead they embed their reproductive structures in plant tissue in a system that can only be described as a byzantine dance of propagules. Some rusts have make up to five different sorts of spores produced in five different structures on two different hosts. It?s a bit dizzying keeping up with it all.

Before I fry your neurons with a rust life-cycle chart, let?s take a slightly larger view. There are thousands of species of rust, and all are plant parasites, many of which specialize in giving farmers ? and biologists ? headaches: coffee, asparagus, beans, snapdragons, carnations, roses, and wheat all have rusts that have achieved or are working on infamy. One rust ? cedar-apple ? makes distinctively alien orange goo starbursts on eastern red cedar (really a juniper) in the United States; its alternate host is apple.

A cedar-apple rust (Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae) gall on eastern red cedar after rain. When their not wet, instead of looking like something your kids would enjoy eating or dropping down your shirt, they look like wooden balls with little satanic horns.

The reason they are called rusts is obvious: they make plants look rusty by discharging orange, powdery spores on leaves and stems during at least one of their many life stages. Here?s a photo I took of a rust dropping powdery orange spores from a wild rose when I was on my boreal toad-hunting trip in July:

In completing their reproductive gymnastics, rusts produce some pretty interesting microscopic structures, or fruiting bodies, as mycologists sometimes call them.

Inside one of them, called a spermagonium or pycnium, sterile, stiff, tapering filaments called periphyses converge and push up on the plant epidermis. They rupture it, forming a little hole called an ostiole, and sometimes protrude through it like tentacles. Tailless male gametes called spermatia (or pycniospores) are formed inside and exuded in droplets of sweet, sticky nectar.

Nearby, ?receptive hyphae? (high-fee ? fungal filaments that make up their bodies) also protrude through the hole. Nectar-seeking insects land, get a sugar fix, and then take off with some hitchhiking spermatia stuck ? in some embarrassing configuration, no doubt ? to their feet or bodies. When they land on another spermagonium/pycnium, the spermatia/pycnia can then fuse with and fertilize the receptive hyphae. You know what this should remind you of, of course: a flower. A fungal flower, in fact, convergently evolved to suit the same purpose. And like some flowers, rusts have a rudimentary male/female system (mycologists boringly call the mating types A1 and A2) that ensures spermatia from a given spermagonium can?t fertilize their own receptive hyphae

OK. That is ONE of the FIVE possible life stages of a rust fungus. I?ve tried to shield you from this as long as possible. But I can?t hold back any more. Behold: the full horror of the life cycle of a heteroecious (two-host), macrocyclic (way too many spore-types) rust:

For the bionerds, delight in digesting this. For the rest of you, all that?s necessary is to notice what a headache it must have been getting this all figured out. For the record, not all rust fungi have life cycles this complex. Some have only one host, and some have only a few of the structures described above. But you get the idea.

This particular life cycle belongs to a rust fungus that is on my own personal ****-list. It is white pine blister rust ? Cronartium ribicola ? introduced to North America around 1900 and just now reaching Colorado after killing untold numbers of five-needle pines across the west. It has come south from Montana. And it is set to start killing our venerable limber and bristlecone pines, which I wrote about in June here. But I digress.

Each of those little cross sections in the drawing is a vertical section through a tiny cup-like structure on a stem or leaf. The potato-like objects inside are the spores. N is haploid(one copy of the chromosomes) and 2N is diploid, but N+N is a special fungal thing. It means the cells are dikaryotic ? they have two nuclei from mating but they haven?t yet fused. Fungi have a tendency to have some part of their life cycle involve this odd-couple state. In humans, as you?ll recall, the nuclei of sperm and egg waste no time in fusing once the sperm makes its intentions known.

There is also a beautiful variety in the structure, color, and texture of rust teliospores ? the resting stage for many rusts ? which were traditionally used to classify them. They are often spiky or pegged dark brown visual confections of one to several cells, in chains, layers, or on stalks. At least one teliospore I looked at was a multicellular bundle with a striking resemblance to pattypan squash.

It is the urediospores (produced in the uredia) which are usually rusty orange (aeciospores can be orangey too), and these are the spores that scientists believe exploded into view in Alaska.

But the scientists at the NOAA lab in Charleston, South Carolina, that did the identification could not give the rust a species name. It didn?t match anything they had worked with before, they said, and they noted that there are many unidentified rust species lurking in Arctic tundra; as you can imagine, mycologists, a scarce resource in any climate, are not particularly abundant in northwest Alaska.

When I contacted the lab this week to find out if they had any further information on the rust?s identity, they said they did not. And unless some inquiring mycologist with time on their hands (ha!) has time to take a look, that is all we will probably ever know. And yet it gets a girl wondering: where *did* all those spores come from? What tundra plant could have possibly been so parasitized without anyone noticing? It?s not like rusts hide the fact they?re hanging out on plants ? quite the opposite. And for an explosion of spores so profuse that they coated the ocean and washed ashore, there must have been something brewing on a biblical scale on the unfortunate hosts east of town. And what was it about this year that made them go crazy? If you?ve been paying to any news of the Arctic in the last five years, you can probably make an educated guess.

Before I close this post, though, I have a question about rusts I?d like to pose: if a rust has two hosts, they?re usually only distantly related. For instance, wheat stem rust?s hosts are common barberry and various grasses, straddling the gap between monocot and dicot flowering plants. White pine blister rust feeds on five-needle pines and various currants and gooseberries, shifting between the conifers and flowering plants. Uredinopsis osmundae shuttles between balsam fir and cinnamon ferns, crossing a huge taxonomic gap between seed-making and spore-making plants. Why?

And this leads to a larger question, which some of the wiser minds among you may understand, which is why so many parasites both of animals and plants seem to enjoy doing the host shuffle at all, much less across giant taxonomic gaps (there are many animal parasites, for instance, that shuttle between vertebrates and invertebrates like snails or annelid worms)? What benefit could having two sets of biologies and immune systems to navigate possibly offer when you could confine yourself to the comfy and familiar environs of just one host? I?m interested in your thoughts, so please feel free to share below. I should probably know the answer to this since I read Parasite Rex once upon a time, but I do not. Forgive me, St. Carl.


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Disability Insurance Attorney Straight talk ... - Health & Fitness Blog

Own Occupation Disability Insurance Policies

An ?Own Occupation? characterization of total disability means the shortcoming to work at an individual?s regular occupation ? which is to perform the stuff and substantial duties of your respective occupation. Under this distinction, total disability means the shortcoming to work at the occupation. The ?Own Occupation? definition is favorable for your requirements, the insured. The Own Occupation definition recognizes a loss of regular occupation usually brings about a drastic drop in income even if other employment is to be found.

In the 1980?s many disability mercury insurance Murrieta companies published ?Own Occupation? policies while they were aggressively investing the premiums with the stock market. Which, however, turned out to be considered a poor business decision. A number of these ?Own Occupation? disability insurance plans were sold to professionals: doctors, lawyers, and the like. The following saga is usually evidence presented and verified in recent Federal Judge Decisions in involving Unumprovident, Unum, together with Paul Revere.

Unumprovident, Unum, and Paul Revere ? an alteration in Claims Processes

Early in the 1990?s Defendant UnumProvident realized the claims made on the own occupation medical nsurance policies that it sold were putting the company at risk. As a consequence the company underwent an essential restructuring of its promise handling practices and philosophy. Provident morphed from an organization that had a claim payment philosophy to at least one that had a promises ?management? philosophy. The effects were staggering. Unfortunately, the doctors and legal professionals whom purchased these disability policies in the ?peace of mind? received certainly not, ?peace of mind? once they suffered own occupation afflictions.

Provident was not the actual lone wolf insurer facing financial struggles thanks to poor product design, more than marketing, and poor underwriting of a unique occupation disability insurance procedures. There were other disability insurance firms which faced similar difficulties. Many of these insurance companies left the disability insurance coverage business. Paul Revere was amongst the other large disability insurance companies that had also closely hyped, marketed and advertised ?own occupation? individual incapability products. Paul Revere also encountered huge financial issues with own occupation policies plus, in response, changed it?s lay claim processes.

Mergers and Arrangments made ? The Plot Thickens

Hence, in April 1996 Provident together with Paul Revere issued statements which they intended to merge. Provident together with Paul Revere completed the merger in March 1997. Afterward, in 1999, Provident Organizations, Inc. merged with Unum to create UnumProvident.

In 1998, Provident Agencies, Inc. and Revere made holistic Services Agreement. Under the Services Agreement, Provident, thereafter UnumProvident, assumed all duty for handling Revere promises.

Before both the merging and General Services Contract took effect, Provident was initially controlling Paul Revere?s allege handling processes. Transition teams were formed. They drafted ?Best Practices? that your combined entities were to go by and abide by. On 1996 Provident trained Revere?s area investigators in these ?Best Practitioners. ?

Which included a fabulous claim objectification process Provident acquired initiated. Then the ?round table? means of denying claims was initiated at Paul Revere even prior to a merger was completed.

That Unum Bad Faith Saga Continues

This is just one chapter in the maintaining saga of Unumprovident, Unum, along with Paul Revere. The evidence strongly creates a corporate scheme towards augment profits without regard towards the rights of their unable to function well insureds ? the doctors, chicago criminal lawyer and others with whom had purchased Own Career disability insurance. Further, evidence establishes Unumprovident, Unum, in addition to Paul Revere. profited immensely from them misconduct. The results worth mentioning companies Bad Faith Disability Insurance practices is devastating to many, several insureds. Instead of buying ?peace for mind? ? - untold volume of doctors, lawyers, and industry experts have faced economic spoil.

If you have had your Occupation disability claim denied by these lenders, you are strongly advised to look for legal representation. A good Disability Claim criminal attorneys in los angeles can make all the difference to you personally and your families ?peace involving mind. ?.

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Congress not making the most of social media to reach millennials who live their lives online (Star Tribune)

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Auto Insurance Prices | Consumer Alert: Water Damaged Cars ...

Each year, thousands of H2O shop-worn cars and trucks affected by storms and severe continue make their way back onto the roads. According to , many H2O shop-worn vehicles are changed to adjoining states or other areas of the nation where they are sole at reduced prices to gullible consumers.

?Most vehicles with severe H2O damage are sent to a throw yard,? mentioned Terri Miller, executive of H.E.A.T. ?But, a few are cosmetically easy and placed in to the vehicle marketplace where they?ll be paid for by gullible buyers who regard they?re getting a great deal.?

Experts saywater leaves durability damage, trimming from electrical and automatic malfunctions to traces of distinctive nature and mildew. In Michigan, it is compulsory by law that H2O damage is disclosed. Here are a few signs to look for when purchasing your next vehicle:

Moisture ? Look for beads of H2O trapped inside of the interior lights. Open the glove compartment, console and case and assess them for any pointer of moistness or mud that?s leftover from a flood. Look beneath the metal cover for signs of rust. Also be sure to slip your palm beneath the seats and lift carpeting in the case to examine for signs of moisture.

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Mildew ? Smell the inside of the automobile is to smell of mildew. Soaked seats and carpeting are tough to dehydrated quickly, creation it easy for distinctive nature and mould to grow.

Matching Interior Components ? Parts of the vehicle that do not match-up might have been changed in a hurry. Be sure that the carpeting and chair covers tie in and that they do not look as well new is to vehicle.

Vehicle History Report ? Enter the vehicle?s VIN number to obtain a story inform on vehicle story data websites such as Remember to use warning if the automobile has not long ago been patrician in multi-part states. Some crooked owners will randomize their vehicle in to a state where damage avowal doesn?t exist. This is a hint that the owners are attempting to washed up a disastrous footnote on the title.

Go for a Drive -Turn the automobile on and examine every electrical network possible, inclusive the extraneous and interior lights, the gauges, the timepiece and the audio network and the lurch lights that manifestation air bag and chair leather belt information. While driving, assessment electrical components once again to ensure they work correctly.

Visit Your Mechanic- Take the vehicle to a devoted technician for a in depth examination. Experienced vehicle technicians know precisely what to look for. If the vehicle still has a new automobile warranty, the guaranty is canceled if your play finds indication of inundate damage?even if the damage is not listed on the title. Always obtain vehicles checked before handing over any money.

Experts urge;take warning when shopping a used car. If the treat sounds as well great to be true, it may is.

H.E.A.T. functions with Michigan law coercion agencies to follow-up on tips. Tipsters are awarded up to $1,000 if the tip leads to the detain and lawsuit of a suspected automobile thug or a person suspected of vehicle theft-related insurance fraud.The H.E.A.T. tip line is monitored by the Michigan State Police and saved by Michigan?s vehicle insurance companies.


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Obama says he can't fix immigration on his own (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Facing weakening support among Hispanics, President Barack Obama expressed deep frustration Wednesday over what he called an inaccurate and damaging perception that he can fix the nation's flawed immigration system on his own.

"This notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true," Obama said during a White House roundtable targeting Hispanic voters, a key constituency for the president's re-election campaign.

The president said comprehensive immigration reform continues to be a "top priority" for his administration. But he blamed Republicans in Congress for failing to join Democrats in supporting legislation that would address the flow of foreigners into the U.S. and deal with illegal immigrants already in the U.S.

"Only a few years ago, as I said, you had some Republicans who were willing to recognize that we needed to fix our immigration system," Obama said, noting that his predecessor, George W. Bush, was among them. "Right now you do not have that kind of leadership coming from the Republican Party."

A strong majority of Hispanics supported Obama's election in 2008. But his support among Hispanics has declined, as it has in the broader population. A recent Gallup survey found 48 percent of Hispanic voters approving of Obama's job performance, compared with 60 percent in January.

While Obama has made little progress on comprehensive immigration legislation, he has pushed Congress to pass the Dream Act, which would provide a route to legal status for college students and service members brought to the country as children. The bill passed the House last year when it was controlled by Democrats but was blocked by Senate Republicans.

"I think there's been a great disservice done to the cause of getting a Dream Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow by myself I can go and do these things," Obama said. "We have to pass bills through the legislature and then I can sign it."

Democrats view Hispanic voters as a voting bloc in 2012 that could help determine the outcome in swing states such as Florida, Colorado and Nevada. The Democratic National Committee has aired Spanish-language ads in those states in the past week to tout the benefits of Obama's jobs bill for small business and workers in the construction industry, which the DNC said employs 2.77 million Hispanics.

Hispanics accounted for more than half of the U.S. population increase over the last decade, exceeding estimates in most states and totaling 50 million.

The burgeoning Hispanic population, Obama said, means it will only be a matter of time before the country sees a strong Latino candidate for president or vice president.

"I am absolutely certain that within my lifetime we will have a Latino candidate for president who is very competitive and may win," Obama said.

The president spent more than 30 minutes taking questions submitted online, covering topics from U.S. policy toward Cuba to the president's $447 billion jobs bill. Obama said the jobs legislation would have a particularly positive impact on the Hispanic community, which has an unemployment rate of 11.3 percent, compared with the national unemployment rate of 9.1 percent.

Obama also said he believed federal courts would rule "fairly soon" on the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, the law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. While the White House backs repealing DOMA through Congress, Obama said Wednesday that he does not believe there are enough votes on Capitol Hill to overturn the law.

The president was also pressed on the status of Puerto Rico, where a statehood referendum is planned for next year. Obama said he believes the island will remain a U.S. commonwealth unless there is a "solid indication" of support for statehood.

"If it split down the middle or 51-49, I think Congress' inclination is going to be not to change but to maintain status quo until there is greater indication there is support for change," he said.

It's unclear whether any Republican presidential candidate can sway Hispanic voters. Several top GOP contenders, including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, have taken a hard line on immigration, calling for a fence and more troops along the border with Mexico to stop the flow of illegal immigrants.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been the outlier on immigration in the Republican field, and he is hoping his moderate record will appeal to Hispanics. But his rivals believe Perry's stance on immigration could be a weakness with his party's more conservative wing.

Perry insists that a physical border fence is an impractical way to control the flow of immigrants into the U.S. He also supported a 2001 Texas law that allows the children of undocumented immigrants to receive in-state tuition at Texas universities if they meet certain requirements.


Julie Pace can be reached at


Associated Press writers Ken Thomas, Luis Alonso and Erica Werner contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Robin Quivers: The Help Isn't Helping (Huffington post)

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Geo-Advertising As a New Business Advertising Tool

Geo-Advertising (or Regional Advertising) is a new way of marketing an organization as well as its internet site as a result of world wide web look ups, mobile look ups and social websites. As you can tell, the geo-marketing gear being utilized are electronic and online or Mobile phones.

Whilst geo-marketing?s distinction could be the association of internet data and charts within the regular sensation, a further convergence of local company item listings, mobile marketing, and social websites can make using this method of selling much stronger than previously. This marketing strategy is no longer a little significant small business marketing strategy, but can be obtained to small and method cash loan firms as well.

We have to establish that which you signify by local company. A neighborhood company is any height and width of small business reliant on the local buyer for the earnings. Which means you is usually a country?s company like Property Website, Ough-Take, or Best To Buy or you could be described as a local flower shop or self-sufficient keep only known to any nearby landscape.

From your technical understanding an on-line wearer?s IP address is bound to Navigation information, like longitudes and latitudes, which might be mapped with technological innovation to geographies all over the world because of town and street level. Whilst this all car insurance may appear too much to handle, the great thing is that a majority of firms will not need to matter on their own using this component of geo-marketing. Lots of the gear already have all this information and facts built in their application or computer hardware technological innovation and we can remain centered on the way you make use of geo-marketing gear.

The particular issue with any new marketing strategy is a company?s wherewithal to adopt the methodology earlier. When it comes personal loans technological know-how as well as Web, before, by the point most firms are prompted to adopt an advertising and marketing tool, this is a has now progressed to a new challenge. Being an earlier or at least a youthful adopter of selling procedures on the internet as a result of electronic equipment are only able to conserve the small business.

We percieve lots of symptoms within the last 24 months in connection with progress of geographical marketing. When businesses like Search engines, Apple company, as well as expense community of Divider Streets commence to put Money100 mil plus much more powering a technological innovation it will become component of our lives no matter if an organization needs it or otherwise. People have and you will be applying more of these geo-marketing gear to uncover firms, goods and services in the vicinity of them.

Let me consider several main gear that customers are applying to uncover firms, offerings near to their landscape.

1. Website look ups include the fundamental, even so, they?re world wide web look ups certainly where an place features with focuses on the companies that complement the look for considerations. Compared with the traditional classifieds, these geo-item listings (a.ok.a. Someone?s Place Of Business Sale listings) is usually claimed and modified together with your small business marketing information and facts to meet up with these look for considerations.

Evidently this may sound not at all hard, geo-item listings likewise incorporate: consumer reviews that ought to be managed the cleanse-up of duplicate item listings discount codes features deals training videos photographs details Quick response barcode symbols and, hyper local web pages. Being aware of what first of all and approaches to logically begin using these parts can be done by way of a specialist marketing company that are experts the bradenton area. Look for more to do with these factors in our former content on our blog site.

2. Portable Advertising could be the up coming most vital geo-marketing strategy by which Text messages Text messages, Mobile Phone Applications, Portable release of the internet site, and Portable advertising and marketing are the major parts. The beginning point in this process are going to be with Text messages Text messages to obtain your alerts out to clients that enroll in your small jolts expertise. The reason why this is the beginning point is that it will take the time to construct your list of optin subscribers.

3. Social Internet Marketing will continue to grow and is also, also, geographical rolling around in its directed at capacity. People are applying Facebook, Facebook or myspace, LinkedIn, Rss feeds sites, Four Rectangular, Instant Messaging and other interpersonal community gear with their cellular devices. As they definitely use it typically to uncover firms, products, within the interpersonal areas they?re trying to get recommendations from their close friends (in the vicinity of and). They are, also, by using these interpersonal areas to publish their experiences that has a small business, services or products. Due to this you have to keep track of the interpersonal areas so as to accept any potential dilemma conditions and use them.

These three geo-marketing parts are necessary to the small business measurements ? small or large ? with each have their own own sub-contract-parts that ought to be properly recognized so as to be successful. Must approach amongst them the acceptance and embracing them earlier and, finally thinking of a 3-season return will place you on the way of geo-marketing.


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Obama popularity in Israel surges after U.N. speech: poll (Reuters)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) ? President Barack Obama's popularity has risen sharply in Israel after he spoke out forcibly against a Palestinian statehood bid at the United Nations last week, according to a poll published by the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

The poll found 54 percent of Jewish Israelis thought Obama's policy was favorable to Israel, while 19 percent said it was pro-Palestinian. A survey in May showed 12 percent thought U.S. policy was pro-Israel and 40 percent saw it as pro-Palestinian.

The surge in popularity followed a September 21 speech by Obama at the United Nations in which he rejected a Palestinian quest for statehood recognition and detailed the persecution of the Jewish people through history.

Obama's U.N. speech was hailed by Israeli politicians of all colors, while Palestinian leaders complained that he had ignored the plight of their people who have been striving for independence for decades.

After taking office in 2009, Obama was criticized by many pro-Israeli groups for being too tough on Israel in his efforts to coerce the two sides back to the negotiating table.

Recent polls in the U.S. media have said his popularity amongst U.S. Jewish voters -- traditionally loyal to the Democratic Party -- has slipped and the Republican party has been swift to brand Obama as anti-Israeli.

Obama won the support of nearly 80 percent of Jewish voters in 2008, and a fall in this support in 2012 could jeopardize his re-election drive in battleground states like Florida and Pennsylvania, where Jewish voters are an important swing bloc.

The Jerusalem Post said its poll surveyed 506 people and had a margin of error of 4.5 percent.

(Writing by Maayan Lubell; editing by Crispian Balmer)


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

F1 2011 Review - Video Game News - | Machinima ...

Developer: Codemasters Birmingham / Publisher: Codemasters / ESRB: Everyone (Mild Lyrics) /?Played On: Xbox 360 /?Cost: $59.99


If you could think of a single 12-month period that was the best in a developer/publisher?s history, what would it be? Yeah, it?s a tough call for me, too. But undoubtedly, you?d have to include Codemasters? 2010-2011 on that list. And in my opinion, they?re doing it with little recognition or fanfare; ask your everyday gamer what companies are going to have a huge year, and I?d be willing to bet they say EA or Activision.

I thought F1 2010 was last year?s best racing game. Up until a couple weeks ago, I thought Dirt 3 was this year?s. But now I?m reconsidering that assessment.



The Ego Engine that powers both the Dirt and F1 franchises is something special. Even one year on, I?m amazed at how it spits out water effects at such high speed. I was qualifying in the rain at Sepang and I couldn?t see anything as I got up under the rear wing of the driver in front of me. My only navigation aid was the strip of dry, racing line tarmac that looped the course. And somehow I managed to turn in a few clean go-rounds to make 15th place on the grid. But the spray, drops, and driving physics when it?s raining is just a racing sim gamer?s wet dream (pun intended).

Of course the tracks still look great when the sun dries everything up, too. It?s just not as wow-worthy as last year since outside of two courses, they?re all the same, with minor visual tweaks here and there. This isn?t a failing of the game, just a reality of the real F1 season.

While the graphics look amazing and the menus are as gorgeous as ever, I was a bit dismayed with some textures when viewed up close. Car liveries aren?t quite as sharp as they should be, displaying a blurriness that contrasts sharply with the lighting at work as you get closer and closer. Track environments look about the same as last year, but they are noticeably flat (especially the grandstands at China; welcome to the PS2 era of visuals).

But for every slightly off texture or blurry car decal, you get amazing effects like marbling and roadside debris on tires and the rain.



Last year?s game was great. This year?s game is even better, thanks to the improved physics and handing model (though I still do have an issue with that). Let?s start with the positives: in 2010?s game, there were spots on every circuit that would send you into an instant spin out if you took them at the wrong angle. These were usually the inside curbs of hairpins, or sharply cambered corners that destabilized the inside wheels. And there was nothing you could do about them; hit one of those spots, your race was pretty much shot.

In 2011, the car feels much more attached to the ground. There?s a relationship between the tarmac and the tires. Because of this, the insta-spin is pretty much gone, and you?re free to attack the curbs through chicanes much more aggressively (and this makes me wistful that Imola is no longer part of the F1 tour). There are still spots that are tricky to navigate at high speeds, but not so many. It?s also easier to catch the car as it starts to go into a spin, meaning you can save yourself if you get into trouble and stay on track.

That said, I think it?s way too easy to get the back end to slide out. The default car setups are all really squirrely, inducing over-steer around corners that should be flat out affairs. I constantly have to adjust the rear wing aerodynamics to keep the car glued to the road. The only reason I bring this issue up is because these are supposed to be representations of some of the most technologically advanced race vehicles on the planet, capable of pulling five lateral Gs around corners. The game makes driving them sometimes feel like you?re driving on dirt or ice.


What I like best about the gameplay in this year?s game is the ability to make minute difficulty balances through a number of options. You have control over how hard or easy the AI racers are, how much of a racing line you want on the track, and whether or not you?re driving with assists like ABS or traction control. You adjust these factors independently of one another, meaning no matter what skill level you are, you can find a happy medium to stay competitive during a Grand Prix. Racing games sometimes fail to get the balance right, and thankfully F1 2011 delivers.

One of the new additions to both the real world F1 season and the game is the KERS and DRS options. Both of these were implemented to make the sport more exciting for viewers and allow for more overtaking. For the game, that effect is magnified a hundredfold. KERS allows you to store several seconds of extra engine power every lap that can be used for a small boost to your speed. DRS can only be used when you?re within a second of the racer ahead of you, but it allows you to fold the back wing of your car up to make it more aerodynamic. Using both of these systems during qualifying and races adds an incredible level of subtle tactics to every moment. Do you save your KERS for the long straight or use it to get to red line speed quicker coming out of a slow corner? KERS and DRS are one of those amazing moments where the real world gets more videogame-like but also makes the videogame world better because of its existence.



Career mode is back in 2011, with some marginal improvements. The interface is a lot cleaner and simpler. Interviews are still in the game, and it feels like you?ll do more of them, but there hasn?t been a lot of improvement in the questions or the responses; it?s still very simple. I was also a little dismayed that you can only do a total of five consecutive seasons, rather than last year?s option to choose three, five, or seven. Why remove that feature?

In the online space, you can play with up to 16 players (and fill in the rest of the grid with eight AI cars). There?s also a co-op championship mode this year, where you and a buddy can take a team through the F1 season together. I don?t know how else to say it: this is awesome. Team racing hasn?t been explored too often in the genre, definitely not in sim racers, and it?s thrilling to join another F1 fanatic as members of the oft-maligned HRT Racing to change the world.


Bottom Line

I really, really like F1 2011. It?s the most exhilarating racing experience I?ve had since Dirt 3, and if you had to ask me which one I liked better, it would be like having to choose one of my children to sacrifice. Even with my complaints on the new handling model, it?s still a ridiculously fun game. The sense of speed, the finely adjustable difficulty curve, and the new rules freshen up a familiar presentation package to make F1 2011 an excellent choice for drivers and gamers.


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Home Improvements: Painting, Drywall ... -

Home Improvement Projects You may Enjoy

This article has been viewed 11 times.

If you have decided to do some home improvement to your property, working outside can make it worthwhile. There is nothing like working on your home when the weather is beautiful outside. This excludes, of course, areas that are extremely humid that might cause health problems for you or your loved ones. A great looking lawn that is landscaped to perfection is the envy of all of your neighbors once it is complete. Make sure you schedule a couple hours a week to work on your landscaping so by summer it is all done. Your desire to get things done is your only inhibition to how long it will actually take.

Some enjoy doing all the work themselves, especially if they have the know-how or have done it before. People who hire the workers tend to be less enamored with working on home improvement. Do-it-yourself experts usually enjoy repairing things on their own which is why you do not hire other people. Some people will hire a landscaper because of the level of complexity involved with their yard. Figuring out things for yourself is always good, especially if you are unable to find someone else to help you. For instance, if you have some shrubbery, you want to know how to properly trim and maintain it. Plan your work well before you get started so you know exactly what you want to cut and where. Painting the exterior of a house is a very daunting experience. Aluminium and plastic siding is widely used on homes these days. But there are still lots of homes that can use a fresh coat of paint. Different weather conditions need different paints, so you need to use the type of paint that is most suitable for you. It wouldn?t be a good idea to use a paint that can?t withstand heat if you live in a very hot location. Also, there are considerations for cold weather areas, as well. Making sure you get the right paint is important, so be sure to have a word with the experts in the places selling paint.

Basements that have been remodeled are one of the most favorite places in the house. A finished basement can be very comfortable and cozy. These locations can be the ideal space for a home theater or as an entertainment area. Take a close look at your basement walls to make sure there are no major cracks before covering them. If you find any cracks, you should have an experienced house inspector take a look. Cracks in the basement walls can lead to complications later.

Finally, always be safe no matter what you?re doing in regard to home improvement projects. Never use anything sharp that is electric and rotates unless you have the proper safety gear on. When purchasing landscaping material, make sure that it accentuates all of the positive aspects of your home in every way possible.

This article was prepared for you by trutaflinrne25, one of our 'Authors'.
Visit this authors profile page and learn more about them & the articles they write.


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Business Opportunity ? Offshore BPO Outsourcing- What it is?

In today?s world, increasing cost and market competition has lead to the development of a unique business procedure termed offshore outsourcing. Offshore BPO outsourcing has emerged to be a feasible trend for most companies expecting to expand or trying to lessen their existing overhead expenses.

Operating in the current business environment makes sense for most companies to outsource business to any developing nation. Most developing nations like India include the efficient human resources to conduct businesses of any type. Most business units operating in the market do not have the required amount of capital to establish huge infrastructure. They tend to outsource and carry forward business activities at a fraction of the usual cost.

Offshore countries are found to be willing to advance business processes at a reduced cost, as they usually pay less to the employees. These offshore units also include an easier structure for tax payments. This is how an outsourcing company will be able to add to its profit in the long run.

Another benefit is the portion of the business outsourced (that may be telemarketing, research and sales). There no longer remains any concern of the company choosing to outsource. Offshore companies usually hire their own team of professionals and experts. This creates positive division of the labor that will be fruitful to both offshore and outsourcing company.

Outsourcing can also be an essential way for an organization to expand and lay its roots in the foreign soil. A business organization may choose to outsource its business operations to better understand its current market and adjudge the customer interests. This can also be considered a ploy to open a branch sooner or later in the foreign destination. Huge conglomerates which keep on expanding perpetually usually opt for outsourcing as a useful method for gathering more business.

There are few dangers associated with business process outsourcing. You need to be cautious enough when you select your outsourcing service provider. Danger of damaging your sensitive data or data theft is not uncommon to an offshore destination. However, it is not always the data. There are a few managerial strategies and organizational tactics that can be exposed. These are things that prove negative to any parent company. In this case, you will always be recommended to go for a background check of the company that you choose to outsource.

When you choose to offshore call center services, select the right vendor that offers you full documents relating to its track record and the client base that the company has served. Apart from these, there can be dangers relating to the dissimilar legislations and registrations in the offshore destination. Now changes in legislations can also necessitate changes in the business policies as well. So, you should also check with the political conditions as well when you select your service provider.

Outsourcing is accountable for the distance it builds or creates between the employees and the employ organization. Although it the most popular means to add dynamism in your business processes helping it to grow and earn increased revenues.

You need to judge each and every aspect of BPO outsourcing before you finally choose a vendor. There are thousands of service providers lined up in the market. It?s not always that a service provider offers you the right service. So think before you decide.

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By Ivana Lewis

In today?s world, increasing cost and market competition has lead to the development of a unique business procedure termed offshore outsourcing. Offshore BPO outsourcing has emerged to be a feasible trend for most companies expecting to expand or trying to lessen their existing overhead expenses.

Operating in the current business environment makes sense for most companies to outsource business to any developing nation. Most developing nations like India include the efficient human resources to conduct businesses of any type. Most business units operating in the market do not have the required amount of capital to establish huge infrastructure. They tend to outsource and carry forward business activities at a fraction of the usual cost.

Offshore countries are found to be willing to advance business processes at a reduced cost, as they usually pay less to the employees. These offshore units also include an easier structure for tax payments. This is how an outsourcing company will be able to add to its profit in the long run.

Another benefit is the portion of the business outsourced (that may be telemarketing, research and sales). There no longer remains any concern of the company choosing to outsource. Offshore companies usually hire their own team of professionals and experts. This creates positive division of the labor that will be fruitful to both offshore and outsourcing company.

Outsourcing can also be an essential way for an organization to expand and lay its roots in the foreign soil. A business organization may choose to outsource its business operations to better understand its current market and adjudge the customer interests. This can also be considered a ploy to open a branch sooner or later in the foreign destination. Huge conglomerates which keep on expanding perpetually usually opt for outsourcing as a useful method for gathering more business.

There are few dangers associated with business process outsourcing. You need to be cautious enough when you select your outsourcing service provider. Danger of damaging your sensitive data or data theft is not uncommon to an offshore destination. However, it is not always the data. There are a few managerial strategies and organizational tactics that can be exposed. These are things that prove negative to any parent company. In this case, you will always be recommended to go for a background check of the company that you choose to outsource.

When you choose to offshore call center services, select the right vendor that offers you full documents relating to its track record and the client base that the company has served. Apart from these, there can be dangers relating to the dissimilar legislations and registrations in the offshore destination. Now changes in legislations can also necessitate changes in the business policies as well. So, you should also check with the political conditions as well when you select your service provider.

Outsourcing is accountable for the distance it builds or creates between the employees and the employ organization. Although it the most popular means to add dynamism in your business processes helping it to grow and earn increased revenues.

You need to judge each and every aspect of BPO outsourcing before you finally choose a vendor. There are thousands of service providers lined up in the market. It?s not always that a service provider offers you the right service. So think before you decide.

To know more about BPO services and call center services you can log on to our website where you will get a wide array of necessary information on business process outsourcing and call centre services.

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Offshore BPO Outsourcing- What it is?Not Rated Yet1

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Ivana Lewis has published 10 articles. Article submitted on Sunday 23rd May 2010. Word count: 553

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<a href=?>Offshore outsourcing </a>helps poor countries to at least lessen the rate of unemployment.

Written by CosteffectiveBPO, Posted on June 04 2010

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John Hrabe: Dead Poets Society Lied: What the Movies Don't Teach You About Student Resistance

As a white, libertarian-leaning, middle-class kid, every scene of Dead Poets Society appealed to my maudlin sensibilities, and none more than the film's dramatic conclusion.

The school's headmaster Mr. Nolan warns, "One more outburst from you or anybody else, and you're out of this school." Ten students are undeterred. They defiantly stand on their desks and call out, "O Captain! My Captain!"

Prep school pi?ce de r?sistance. I was moved.

Movie critic Roger Ebert, on the other hand, was moved "to throw up."

"Dead Poets Society is a collection of pious platitudes masquerading as a courageous stand in favor of something: doing your own thing, I think," he wrote in the opening line of his scathing review.

Which makes me wonder what the fastidious movie critic would think of an alternate ending, one in which the students are punished by the school and then brought up on misdemeanor charges by the local district attorney for conspiracy and disrupting a meeting?

Oh wait, that isn't fiction, but the real life story of the "Irvine 11." In February 2010, members of UC Irvine's Muslim Student Association systematically interrupted a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. On September 23, an Orange County jury found ten of the students guilty of misdemeanor charges and sentenced them to three years of informal probation.

Hollywood lied to us.

To be clear, I'm not defending the content of the protests, nor do I support the students' outbursts. Freedom of speech doesn't include a heckler's veto, and the students could have protested the ambassador in more constructive ways.

"Obviously, if we are going to have a free marketplace of ideas, people need to have a civil forum in which to speak," argues Dr. Craig Smith, Director of the Center for First Amendment Studies at California State University, Long Beach. "Such forums may be picketed and shouting can take place outside. However, speakers must be given the right to present their ideas without interruption if they are to make their case for their ideas."

But, Dr. Smith also wisely points out that the heckler's veto wasn't the only First Amendment question in this case. There was also the issue of whether Muslim students were singled out and selectively prosecuted because of their views.

"There is no doubt in my mind that the District Attorney selectively prosecuted," said Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations - Greater Los Angeles Area, "because the students were Muslim, the speaker was an Israeli diplomat, and the verbal protests centered on Israel's long history of war crimes."

It strains credulity to think that the politics of the speakers didn't affect the decision to prosecute. Had this been a raucous student council meeting about the cost of tuition, the case would have ended in a campus administrative hearing. You'd be laughed out of any prosecutor's office if you tried to turn it into a criminal case. Most hecklers not only avoid prosecution, but get a bigger platform because of their disruptions. Anyone remember Rep. Joe Wilson and Joe the Plumber?

In Orange County, Muslim Americans have other reasons to believe that there's a double standard for free speech. Earlier this year, Villa Park City Councilwoman Deborah Pauly protested an Islamic charity event and exclaimed, "I know quite a few Marines who will be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise." Just this month, San Juan Capistrano City Councilman Derek Reeve said at a council meeting that he named his dog Muhammad to intentional provoke Muslim Americans and make a statement about free speech. These incidents explain why Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the UC Irvine School of Law, described the verdict as keeping an "open wound" in the community.

If you protect the offensive, anti-Islamic rhetoric of Orange Curtain councilmembers, you have to protect the rights of the UC Irvine Muslim Student Association. As Ayloush put it, "No topic should be off limits and no public official or country should be above criticism."

When controversial speakers are prosecuted under ridiculous "disturbing the peace" statutes, it sets up a forced choice for freedom. Every speaker must live in fear of prosecution, or worse, only the dissenting speakers get quashed. Either scenario is unacceptable because both outcomes lead to less speech.

Our natural reaction to contrasting views should always be to speak out ourselves, not shut our opponents up. Muslim students get the same First Amendment protections as Israeli ambassadors. I'm entitled to my review of Dead Poets Society; and Roger Ebert has a right to his -- even if he's wrong.



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Sunday, September 25, 2011

How You Can Benefit From Martial Arts In Woodbridge VA | Articles ...

People often have different reasons for wanting to join a martial arts Woodbridge VA class. For some it is a way of learning how to defend themselves. For others it is a way of keeping fit. In some cases others may want to compete in tournaments.

There is a wide range of different types available. Some will be more formal than others. This is especially the case in karate where a lot of classes still expect you to show respect by bowing, keeping your uniform clean and generally obeying the commands of the teacher or sensei.

Self defence is often a strong motivation for people who want to join. Some classes may use simulated scenarios in which they demonstrate how to get out of certain situations. In these cases the movement will often be less formalized and the emphasis is on quick reactions and simple attacks.

For others it is more about the end result. They want to get good and quickly. Mixed martial arts is becoming increasingly popular, both due to the increased appearances of the sport in the media and the variety of techniques used.

Whatever class you choose it is important to be prepared. Do not eat heavily an hour before a class. Always bring water or a drink with you and if possible bring a towel to use the shower afterwards. If you have younger children going to a class make sure they use the restroom before they start, as some teachers insist on them doing exercises as a penalty if they need to do it during class.

There are a number of sites to help you find a martial arts Woodbridge VA class. A lot of classes will encourage new members by offering them a free trial when they first arrive. Look online for classes in your local area so you can get in touch and try them out for yourself.

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