Monday, April 9, 2012

How to Be an Expert - How to Become Proficient ... - Personal Growth

9 Tips on How to Be an Expert

Do you wish to become and expert and have specialized knowledge? Being an expert means you are proficient, knowledgeable and skilled. There's always room for another specialist, regardless of which industry you are in.

There are many advantages and benefits of becoming an expert. You will create many followers and you are able to influence people to your way of thinking. People will look forward to hearing your views and regard you as a role model. You become more marketable and the demand for your service will increase.

There are also people whose aims are to become skilled at something like playing Sudoku or video games. There's nothing wrong with that because everyone has her or his personal preference. But if you want to acquire monetary gains, influence and personal growth, become an expert in something that helps and will benefit other people.

It will take a lot of your time, efforts and self discipline to reach the competent level when you can call yourself an authority, master, guru or a professional. Not many people are successful to attain this status because they usually will give up because it's time consuming and requires a high level of perseverance and persistence.

"Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything." - W. Clement Stone

How to Be an Expert No. 1 - Set the Goal

What is it that you want to master? It all begins with deciding upon a goal and the reason why you want to achieve it. Once you have written down your goal, write down what are your strengths, weaknesses and beliefs about what you can do and also the things that will hold you back. Look at each and see how you can use your strengths and challenge your limitations.

Write down what are the habits and attitudes that you must drop and those that you have to acquire to help you move forward. Then list down a list of all the things that you will do write down your step by step plan.

How to Be an Expert No. 2 - Study Thoroughly

To become skilled at something you must acquire lots of knowledge. The internet is a great source of information. You can learn from books, video and audio programs, get a coach or find a mentor. Your study should also include attending seminars or classes. The knowledge and information that you gather will lead you to an understanding. The understanding will lead you to take consistent action.

How to Be an Expert No. 3 - Learn from Other Experts

Learn from professionals in various fields and industries. When you associate with successful people, you will learn a lot and tend to become like them. A positive environment will positively affect the way you work and think. And you will do less mistake when you learn from successful people and emulate their strategies.

How to Be an Expert No. 4 - Perform Diligently

Once you have acquired the knowledge, practice it diligently. Repeat it over and over again. Discipline yourself to practice until you become good and get it right. Your attempts may sometimes not produce the results that you expected. When this happens, look at a few things and consider whether you should change try the same thing or do it differently. The important thing to remember is to be flexible. Focus on your goal but change your way if one thing doesn't work.

How to Be an Expert No. 5 - Visualize the End Result

You will speed up the process of reaching your goal through visualization. Create mental images of the end result, the picture of you already attaining your goal and becoming the expert. Practice this visualizing exercise right before you fall asleep and upon awakening every day. See yourself in it clearly as though it is really happening.

How to Be an Expert No. 6 - Reflect and Contemplate

Make time for self reflection. Ask yourself why you do and feel the way you do. Think through and evaluate how you have been thinking, learning and doing things. Look at what works and repeat the action. Observe what doesn't work and find a solution.

Whenever things don't work out and you can't find the solution, get yourself relaxed and ask your inner self to bring you the answer. If you don't get it immediately, just go on doing your daily routine. The answer will come any time and in many forms. Just be alert and aware to notice it when it does show up.

How to Be an Expert No. 7 - Ask for Feedback

Ask for feedback, opinions and comments from other people. Don't take negative criticisms personally. Accept criticisms because you can learn from them. If you think about the criticisms that you receive you might discover some useful information.

How to Be an Expert No. 8 - Act and Commit

Take continuous action. To become an expert at something, you must commit yourself to see it through. Put maximum attention and effort and tolerate temporary discomforts that come with doing something new or difficult things.

How to Be an Expert No. 9 - Persist

Don't give up when you are tired or frustrated. Rest your body and mind to recover and recharge. Then get up and try again.

Additional Resource

Success Mastery Academy Program

Self Improvement Advice

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