OK, just wanted to say thanks for your time, whoever will reply. I'll try to be short and sweet.
My partner and I are so different, it worries me. I can't really talk about this to anyone else, because 1. i don't have many people here and 2. those whom i do have, is not the best choice for this problem.
My partner and i been together for 4 years now, we are getting married at the end of this year. We've travelled a lot, lived abroad, and genially had a good time and had to overcome a lot of issues to be together.
Now we live in this tiny country i'm not very happy with, and sometime i have bad fits of missing Europe. That effects our relationships. I get all s***ty and annoyed, and miserable, and he feels bad, that he made me come here. Because I'm not from here i don't have that many friends, and no matter what i do, i can't really get that good solid friendship, as I have back home. That effects our relationships as well. I try looking for people with the same interests, but that's kinda not happening (I attend different classes and book clubs). So i feel really lonely.
He grew up here, and has heaps of friends, but i don't really feel the connection with them. And i'm not being a b***h, they are all very lovely people and they are awesome to me, i'm so grateful for that, it's just not happening, they are always gonna be his friends, not mine.
They are fun to go to a party with, but here's another problem. I'm all about books, art galleries, museums and theatres, he's all about beaches, drinking and surfing (and this country have mostly that to offer). I feel like i'm intellectually starved. And maybe i'm not making an effort either. I'm not into sports and dumb youtube videos.
The other thing is that I'm an atheist, and this causes us a lot of trouble. I've read up a lot on it, I've researched a lot, and I came to the conscious decision that I do not believe in God that's the reason why i can't talk to anyone else, because my parents, for example, are very religious, and even though we are very close, they won't understand, and it's just a different subject altogether) My partner is not religious either, but when we end up "discussing" it, it leaves us both feeling very unpleasant. Our opinions are so different about everything, we end up being stubborn, he calls me a snob, and i have a feeling like he's arguing with me for the sake of arguing. just to disagree with me.
So i have a feeling like we can't talk about anything else but our plans for the weekend, our financial situation and what we shall have for dinner.
is that normal? I love him very much, with all my heart, we do have great relationship most of the times, and i don't want to give up. But it worries me how different we are. I love my life, i love my job and all the activities i do separately from my partner, but aren't we supposed to share something else? is it normal to be so different?
Last edited by Savasava; Today at 06:16 AM.
Source: http://talkaboutmarriage.com/general-relationship-discussion/42007-we-so-different-scares-me.html
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